Thursday, September 8, 2011

Newborn turned Wiggle Worm

Yesterday, Jona turned 3 months old and I love that the older she gets, the more we can play with her!  This age is so much fun and seems to just get better and better.  Jona is grabbing her toys, my hair (ouch) and talking all the time (baby babble... I'm not proclaiming a Doogie Howser here).  Of course we have no idea what she's saying but the little coo noises are pretty cute.  I've noticed lately if we do something she doesn't like such as taking her bottle away or moving away a toy she lets us know very quickly that she doesn't like it by screaming at us. Now, I'm not talking about screaming followed by tears and sobs.. this is a quick little shrill of protest.   Ryan and I (I'm sure you would know without me saying) aren't super gender stereotypical in our home.  Ryan rough houses with Jona (rocket ship!!), I dress her in boys outfits occasionally (I just can't find firetruck outfits in pink!!) and she probably has only had a bow on her head maybe half a dozen times but I truly believe girls and boys are just hard wired to behave differently.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I gather from my friends with boys.. there isn't that much screaming going on when they aren't happy! I know it sounds like we might be in trouble here but I have to tell you we almost pee our pants laughing at how hilarious this is to us.  

Aside from the girly shrills, there are so many little things she has started to do in the past few weeks.  When I put her next to a mirror, she gets so shy and turns away smiling from the mirror image she doesn't recognize as her own yet.  Priceless!  So I could go on and on about all the little intricacies we love and see as Jona begins to express herself a little more everyday but overall I can just tell you how in love we are with her and being parents!  Well here are a few pictures I've taken of her recently.. enjoy and love to all our family and friends out there :) 


  1. How cute is she!?!? But don't think that only girls scream....Taylor may not be girlie, but you tell him no, or you aren't doing what he wants to do, he can let you know pretty quickly! Hoping we can see you soon!! Love you all!

  2. Ok good! That's a little reassuring actually... I was getting a little worried that we have a drama diva on our hands!
