Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Kiteboarding and such..

During beach week, Ryan had one solid night of wind and spent two hours tiring himself out kiteboarding. While he was tearing it up, Jamie asked me if I had any pictures of Ryan kiting and it occurred to me I need to share the good stuff!

Kiteboarding and I go way back. First of all when I first met Ryan he had just begun to take up the sport and he was completely clueless. Of course, I couldn't tell he was but now the stories he tells me and what I know of the safety improvements in kites.. I'm amazed he's alive. I'm not kidding. So anyhow, kiteboarding and I have a history together. I've kinda of always felt that this is the one sport Ryan loves to do more than any others. (I totally understand.. I feel this way about horses). And as our relationship has grown, my understanding and support of his sport has evolved as well.

At first, I was merely a spectator who was a little grossed out with his crotch harness that spent hours sitting on a beach watching and reading. As time progressed, I was roped into doing little house-keeping activities that would get him on the water as soon as possible. Soon after, I volunteered to start taking photos and videos of his tricks and time on the water. And today, well.. after a trip to the emergency room, four new kites, a new amazing board :) and harness, he is very well practiced and I am well groomed as his kiteboarding assistant.. and I love it!

Here are some of my favorite pics of Ryan kiteboarding...

The face of a happy man!

Happy that the camera still takes pictures after this one....

Mad air. Not even sure how high up he was but I used the zoom for this photo!

Shortly after taking this photo a woman approached me and asked what magazine I was shooting for.

Enjoy and thanks for looking :)

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHA!! That's hilarious! What magazine were you shooting for? .. He is such a good kite boarder! Go Ryan!! And you are such a good photographer! Go Missy! :)
