Thursday, December 23, 2010

~Jona Lily~

Finally Thursday, December 23rd has made it here and we made it to our doctor appointment. As most of you know, little Jonah is a girl!! Here are a few snapshots of her during our gender determination sonogram.

This is the shot at the dr.'s office we got when the tech asked if we were ready to know! I was thinking, 'Are you kidding me?! Yes!!"

Here is a picture of her facing towards you with her arm next to her head.

This is the baby trying to sit on her head. She is already a comedian. Last sonogram she was sticking her tongue out at us the whole time and this sonogram she was performing acrobatics. The most interesting thing she did was a little somersault-like maneuver at the beginning of the sonogram. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do the 3D/4D sonogram later on but I'm thinking I'll want to see what this silly fetus is up to!

Next up, we have a anatomy sonogram scheduled for two weeks to make sure all her parts are the right size. As for this appointment, the doctor was very happy with her heart beat! That's the latest and greatest for now. Love to you all!

Missy, Ryan and baby :)


  1. Yay for a healthy girl!!! Glad baby Jonah is active. Now, I just need colors for you baby blanket!

  2. She looks adorable already!! So excited that we both get to have girls just 3 weeks apart!! :)

  3. Check! Think we've got the color situation figured out! Want me to send you an email with some nursery/color info? Or should I bring it up with me to Minn. in January?
