During beach week, Ryan had one solid night of wind and spent two hours tiring himself out kiteboarding. While he was tearing it up, Jamie asked me if I had any pictures of Ryan kiting and it occurred to me I need to share the good stuff!
Kiteboarding and I go way back. First of all when I first met Ryan he had just begun to take up the sport and he was completely clueless. Of course, I couldn't tell he was but now the stories he tells me and what I know of the safety improvements in kites.. I'm amazed he's alive. I'm not kidding. So anyhow, kiteboarding and I have a history together. I've kinda of always felt that this is the one sport Ryan loves to do more than any others. (I totally understand.. I feel this way about horses). And as our relationship has grown, my understanding and support of his sport has evolved as well.
At first, I was merely a spectator who was a little grossed out with his crotch harness that spent hours sitting on a beach watching and reading. As time progressed, I was roped into doing little house-keeping activities that would get him on the water as soon as possible. Soon after, I volunteered to start taking photos and videos of his tricks and time on the water. And today, well.. after a trip to the emergency room, four new kites, a new amazing board :) and harness, he is very well practiced and I am well groomed as his kiteboarding assistant.. and I love it!
Here are some of my favorite pics of Ryan kiteboarding...
HAHAHAHA!! That's hilarious! What magazine were you shooting for? .. He is such a good kite boarder! Go Ryan!! And you are such a good photographer! Go Missy! :)